An Assassin’s Creed Fan?

An assassin fly, perching on the towrope on the top floor. Had I known just how nasty a creature this was (its sharp and pointy rear end looks like it could inflict quite a painful sting on human flesh), I probably wouldn’t have gotten within a couple inches of it–even if the lens hood afforded me some protection! This one was having a staredown with an equally interesting looking spider (no, I don’t know who won the standoff, and it went on for quite a while). Photographed on August 10.


14 thoughts on “An Assassin’s Creed Fan?

  1. Looks similar to the Robber Flies that were all over my garden this year (I won’t litter your comment section with a link to my post, but if interested, do a search on my blog for ‘Robber Fly’)

    Great shot with excellent details.


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