Macro Monday: Himalayan Pine

A foggy day is great for capturing the drops of moisture on this young Himalayan Pine. I decided to experiment with the Extreme Macro mode on my camera. I guess I could have gotten a wee bit closer. It’s a tad easier to do with subjects that don’t move about constantly, although the wind tried to gust things up a bit just before I hit the button. 🙂

Himalayan Pine with dew, spiderweb

This Himalayan Pine tree was courtesy of seeds that a mystery bird just happened to drop on its flyover. The spiderwebs were an unexpected bonus.

Daily Prompt: Charitable

Theologian and philosopher Albert Schweitzer said, “Compassion, in which all ethics must take root, can only attain its full breadth and depth if it embraces all living creatures and does not limit itself to mankind.” 

The purpose of this challenge is to elaborate on a hypothetical scenario wherein I’ve inherited $5 million, with instructions that I must give it all away. I can choose any organizations I like to be the beneficiaries. Here is where I’d like the money would go (already, I feel enriched by the experience of writing this post!)

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