How Many Stars

How many bright white stars can I see embedded and twinkling in the gray of a crisp, clear and cold winter’s night sky? With the naked eye, I count forty or fifty, but the camera captures infinitely more in the cosmos. Someone’s paid their electricity bill up there. We are not alone.

Stars and Trees

Experimenting with the Night Landscape mode (and observing the limitations of a point-and-shoot camera 🙂 ) at 9:30 p.m. on January 31, 2014, with the trees on the right as a reference point.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Object

This mysterious bit of yellowish-green flora was planted in a starter pot in the hopes that it would grow up to be a big strong fir tree. That was two years ago, and it still has the same dimensions of a postage stamp. The bonsai of bonsais? Shot in Extreme Macro mode, and then digitally cropped.

Stunted Fir

Of Sandpipers, Seagulls, and Other Shorebirds

This gallery contains 8 photos. Seagulls are are usually unscientifically broken down into white-and-grey-with-red-spot-on-the-bill, or dirty grey. They have the unenviable reputation of being scavengers, but without them, there would be a lot more unwanted food scraps lying around.

Seagulls in Close Formation
Has this quintet of seagulls been cleared to land? Especially in such foggy weather.

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