What Acronyms Really Stand For

Motorin' Hound

“every absurdity has a champion to defend it” – Oliver Goldsmith

It was quite a few years ago, but I still recall a local radio commercial that recounted a conversation between two motorists. Each was praising the other’s outstanding and appropriate road etiquette in angry but unsarcastic voices (“Mr. Perfect Lane-Changer!”) The juxtaposition between intonation and subject matter was just priceless.

So. On the topic of juxtaposition of the ridiculous, I mused, what if naughty acronyms could be sanitized? Here are my takes–the language police be damned. Continue reading

Beautiful Earth ~ Gheorghe Zamfir

Reliving my love for the music of Zamfir.

Veraiconica's Blog

Gheorghe Zamfir, the famous pan flute musician from Romania is playing “The Lonely Shepherd” with awesome images from all over the world.

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