Two Woodpeckers, A Squirrel, and a Sextet of Dickey Birds

This gallery contains 5 images. Here is an infrequent visitor — a Downy Woodpecker. She was daintily and slowly moving up and down the suet feeder (making the accompanying female Red-Shafted Northern Flicker impatient).

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Sylvester, the Silver Pheasant

This gallery has 3 poses. On our first (and my second) visit to the Bloedel Conservatory a couple of years ago, we had the opportunity to capture the Golden Pheasant, but all those images fell victim to the Dead Computer Syndrome 😦 . This time around is like a consolation prize, but what a consolation prize it was. While making a second round of the Bloedel Conservatory, I almost ran into this Silver Pheasant stepping out from the flora to the cement path, and did a double take.

Silver Pheasant

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