Daily Prompt: All Grown Up

When was the first time I really felt like a grown up (if ever)? I have been raised to act responsibly, even from a very young age (although when you’re seven, that kind of parental advice doesn’t get much traction in an often easily distracted mind.

Being grown up implies some kind of maturity (physical and/or psychological), so most of the time, I don’t really feel my chronological age–even now. Sometimes I feel like I am still eighteen; other times, I feel like I am eighty and have seen and experienced so much. Most times, though, I feel ageless/immortal. 🙂 Continue reading

Daily Prompt: Odd Couple

A variant of the Symbol of Chaos

A variant of the Symbol of Chaos (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Does a messy home (or office) make me anxious and cranky, or is cleaning something I just do before company comes over?

You bet that messes drive me crazy — anywhere. It’s almost an OCD with me, and not because I was brought up to believe that as members of the fairer sex, we should be neat and proper. Nor was the ‘cleanliness is next to Godliness’ adage particularly relevant in our household. I’ve tried being messy, and adopted order over chaos as a matter of practicality. Everything must be just so.

While some people may be content (and even comfortable) to have their desks swamped in Jenga Continue reading