Formal Wear on The Suet Feeder, Please

It was a busy morning, with male and female Red-Shafted Northern Flickers, plenty of Juncos, a Varied Thrush, a Spotted Towhee, and even a wary Mr. Squirrel paying a visit to the backyard (although the black furry rat kept his peregrinations to the fences). Two of the best-dressed gentlemen were also spotted on the suet feeder.

Chickadee and Downy Woodpecker on Feeder

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Just Call Me Casey

This gallery contains 2 photos. Casey the lovable, gregarious and talkative Yellow-Crowned Amazon parrot shares her habitat, perch (and feed) with her very dear feathered friend, Monty the Princess Parrot. Curiosity goes both ways; we were as interested to photograph her as she was to learn about us … as evinced by her inquisitive expression.

Casey the Amazon

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