Well, Here’s Hopin’

In another attempt to lure the Anna’s Hummingbirds to the backyard, we picked up this much more colourful feeder. They have been spotted sipping nectar in backyards and gardens — just not ours! They won’t start today, which began sunnily enough. But by early afternoon, clouds had moved in, and gale force winds of 90 km/hr (predicted for yesterday) struck and lingered for a couple of hours.

New HummingBird Feeder Closeup

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A Wind Double Haiku

Statuesque trees bend
To the ground as the wind howls
Its lonely lament.

Wind blown sand dunes and grass, during gale f...

Wind Blown by Mike Baird, CC-BY-2.0

Leaf and stone scatter
While raindrops beat a frenzied
Tattoo on the roof.