Wildlife Up Close: Lesser Scaup

This gallery contains 3 photos. Lesser Scaups look like carbon copies of Greater Scaups (down to the black and white plumage, blue bills and yellow eyes) — except that the latter are smaller, and have a bump on the back of their heads. Photographed April 18 at the Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary.

Lesser Scaup at Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary

Here’s a trio (two males and a browner female  — we’ll call them Peter, Paul, and Mary) keeping out of the shade and away from the cameras. Given their wariness around humans, Lesser Scaups, along with the Hooded Mergansers, are the more secretive and harder-to-photograph waterfowl at the sanctuary. Photographed April 18 at the Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary.

Lesser Scaups at Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary

This female Lesser Scaup was photographed on a rather cloudy and overcast December 13 at Piper Spit / Burnaby Lake. She’s just one of a handful of Lesser Scaups that will actually approach humans (unlike Bufflehead and Common Goldeneye ducks).


11 thoughts on “Wildlife Up Close: Lesser Scaup

  1. Hi. I’m from the ‘Up with Ducks’ Board. On behalf of lesser Scaups everywhere, I protest the use of such a disparaging terminology when contrasting them with the breed that misrepresents themselves as ‘greater’ Scaups — every Scaup is equal, and such labeling only serves to further divide the genus as a whole. Might I suggest the substitution of ‘diminuated’ for lesser, and ‘subminuated’ for the greater.

    Or, if that is not convenient, a one time payment of $72,503 US Dollars will allow us to keep this whole thing completely under wraps, for at least the time being.

    Thank you for your cooperation, and please remember our motto:
    Give A Pluck, Up With Ducks.

    Liked by 1 person

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