the (Uncommon) American Robin

The one bird that hasn’t shown up at the backyard feeders is this American Robin, photographed at the Fraser Foreshore Park in Burnaby, BC. What’s even more interesting is that several rounds of these bold, feathered anti-socialites had showed up in the trees and on the grass, noisily turning over leaves in search of the midday worm.


My Review of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

The spectacular, sweeping cinematography of The Desolation of Smaug, the second installation in the three-part Hobbit prequels gives viewers a sense of the immense scale and rich detail of this adventure. It is a technique that Peter Jackson has successfully employed in all of the Tolkien productions under his direction.

The fact that Jackson has further upped the realism ante by filming at 48 frames per second gives The Hobbit trilogy an almost IMAX-type quality Continue reading

A Hahn Red-Shouldered Mini-Macaw!

In the same way that Barred Parakeets are cute little parrots, the Hahn Red-Shouldered Mini-Macaw is the miniaturized darling of the very colourful macaw family, which includes “cousins” like the Hyacinth Macaw (the largest, and most purple member), the popular Scarlet Macaws (often mistaken for the Green-Winged Macaws, and vice versa), and the Blue and Gold Macaws.

Hahn's Macaw

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