Golden-Crowned Sparrows

This gallery contains 2 photos. Golden-Crowned Sparrows, like their cousins, the White-Crowned Sparrows, go through distinct changes in seasonal plumage. Photographed in the backyard on October 18. Juveniles and first winter Golden-Crowned sport only hints of yellow on their crown, and the black supercilium may be virtually non-existent. However, what they lack for looks, they make up for with their lovely song, which they sing from dawn until dusk.

Golden-Crowned Sparrowwinter plumage is much more muted, especially on this first winter Golden-Crowned Sparrow.
f/10, 1/180, 150-500mm telephoto lens, 500mm, ISO 1250, flash on

Photographed at Boundary Bay Regional Park on April 15. I am more likely to see the adult Golden-Crowned Sparrows in the spring — just before they take off for the tundras and Alaska in the summer to mate, nest, and raise their young. Their headdress is very striking during these seasons. These chubby sparrows are ground foragers, but we have “trained” them to feed from the hanging feeders in the backyard.

Golden-Crowned Sparrowby spring, the black supercilium and yellow crown are super thick and vivid!
f/6.3, 1/400, 150-500mm telephoto lens, 500mm, ISO 400


33 thoughts on “Golden-Crowned Sparrows

  1. I don’t think I ever have seen a golden crowned sparrow. Looks different from the ones I have seen!

    Lovely photo! How about that lens? Do you like it? Nikon has released a 200-500 lens, not too expensive, hope to get my hands on one in the future 😉


    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Tieme,

      Thank you! You’ve probably not seen them before, because the Golden-Crowned Sparrows have a very limited range–the western most part of North America.

      My Sigma 150-500mm lens has been my go to lens for wildlife. It has been a necessity for hummingbird photography. Can’t complain 🙂 it is my only long lens at the moment, and at $1000 CDN, is a budget lens compared to the much more expensive (and shorter!) Canon branded ones.


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      • Hello Hui!

        Well, I do not live in the northern part of America, but in The Netherlands, so that might explain it as well 😉

        I have read good things about the lens and your photos are nice proof of that 🙂 But yeah, first brand lenses are expensive! And Nikon will raise their prices next year!


        Liked by 1 person

      • Tieme,

        Thank you! I’m sure that I would find the bird species endemic to the Netherlands equally fascinating, if not more so. 🙂

        I’m not surprised to hear that bit of news. Top tier manufacturers like Canon and Nikon know that they have a customer base of photographers who are willing to pay a premium for the privilege of Canon- and Nikon- branded lenses (which is why less expensive brands like Tamron and Sigma exist and proliferate — although some Sigma models can also be quite expensive).


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      • Somehow the grass must be a bit greener at the neighbour’s 😉 But yeah, there are some fine birds here!

        Some Sigma lenses are more expensive, but the quality is better. I own a cheap Sigma lens (18-200), and that one is rubbish and cheap.

        Quality comes at a price I guess!


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  2. I think Vancouver might be the only place I’ve seen Golden-crowned Sparrows before. We might have seen them elsewhere, too, but I can’t remember. They’re so pretty! I don’t remember their song either. Will have to listen to our Stokes CDs or my Audubon app. 🙂

    I seem to say “I can’t remember” a lot, don’t I? 😀

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