Daily Prompt: Simply Irresistible

English: fresh potato salad

Fresh potato salad (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Just one dish? That’s a bit cruel, and it’s only Tuesday morning, too! Potato salad. Yes, I am guilty as charged of loving it too much. The lightly salted-and-peppered, boiled-and-squared cubes of the lowly red spud, mixed with mayo, diced onions, and dashes of cayenne, and the elusive tarragon is a food that I’ll come back to for seconds or even thirds. I never really bother with the best before date on storebought potato salad, because it will be gone from the fridge in, well, just a matter of days. 

(Deviled potato salad, if I can get my hands on this variation, is extra sinfully delicious). Kind of plebian, but potato salad can be my three-meals-a-day, four-seasons-of-the-year staple. It’s a me-pleaser. Not a delicacy by any means, but a nom-nom that fills up the tum-tum just fine. And, not to judge or pull a nutritional police on this one, but potato salad is far healthier than several of its other incarnations–french fries or baked potato included.

In fact, I have some potato salad in the fridge right now, so if you’ll excuse me …

7 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Simply Irresistible

  1. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Simply Irresistable | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

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  6. Pingback: Simply irresistible | My Kaleidoscope

  7. Pingback: Food glorious food……. | Life as a country bumpkin...not a city girl

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