Closeups of the Male Intergrade Flicker

This gallery contains 3 photos.ย Sometimes you’re just in the right spot at the right time, and the digital camera also decides to co-operate. My last closeup of the Intergrade Flicker was of the female (I think ๐Ÿ™‚ ). These are the clearest closeups that we have of the male Intergrade Flicker. It’s adorable when they mug for the camera. My, what nice red mustaches he has!


These photos were taken earlier today from the second floor sunroom. The Intergrade Flickers are usually not a flighty lot — from a distance! If they feel so inclined, will even let you get close enough to them to snap more than a couple of shots before getting bored of the attention. This male has the red mustache of the Red-Shafted Northern Flicker, and the red nape of the Yellow-Shafted Northern Flicker, which makes it an Intergrade Flicker.

Red-Shafted Northern Flicker (male)

Two Intergrade Flickers were sitting in this same tree, but flew off shortly after we showed up in the sunroom. This one came back when he realized that there was a pane of glass between him and us, and we were not going to pose a danger to him — as close as we appeared. ๐Ÿ™‚

Red-Shafted Northern Flicker (male)

16 thoughts on “Closeups of the Male Intergrade Flicker

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